Monday, August 13, 2007

All This Bush Hate...

I seriously don't get all of the belated, hackneyed hate and cheap shots against George Bush that are still going on today. Pink's latest song, "Mr. President," makes my blood boil in how cliche, uncreative and speculative it is when it comes to criticizing the Bush Administration.

Yeah, Bush will probably go down as one of the worst presidents of all time. And yeah, he's one of the few people in the world who I would punch in the face if I had the chance.

But the fact is that he's just over-matched as a leader and an individual. He doesn't have the tools, the smarts or the foresight to be President of the United States, and he never did. It wasn't his fault that he was put in to office, it was the American people's fault for being such idiots and electing him in the first place, TWICE. To his credit, he's a good people person and has a certain charisma to him (particularly if you live south of the Mason-Dixon line and are somewhat illiterate), but he never should have been president. End of story.

Which is why all this belated and stupid Bush hate almost pisses me off more than Bush himself. Let's not hate him anymore; let's just celebrate that he's going to be out in a year's time. Sounds good to me.

In other news, I've been swingy swingy swingy in poker. Still up like 600 for the month but it's been a total roller coaster ride. I've been playing my B game most of the time, so I will look to get that back in shape.

I was also at the mall the other day in a mentally altered state and discovered this amazing foot massager at Brookstones. I know how completely retarded, lame and gay it sounds to have a foot massager, but it just feels so good/relaxing. It costs 500; if I make X number of dollars this year then I'm bringing it up to Stanford... LOL, so that'll be my motivation for the rest of summer: a foot massager. I'm pretty weird.


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